What could one connection mean to you?
Sometimes what seems like a random act of kindness can change everything for you!
What could one connection mean to your life or career?
Last Wednesday I spoke with someone that I helped out a few years ago with one important connection. At the time, she was struggling in their career. Her boss didn't respect her. She lacked any true relationships with her co-workers. And she felt frustrated. Both her family and her friends told her she should be grateful just to have a job. Happiness, in their mind, was a secondary and really, an unrealistic expectation.
I could see she was talented but was ready to give up and just give in. She was ready to wave the white flag and acknowledge that perhaps this is how life is supposed to be.
So I created a Ripple for her.
I introduced her to someone that I thought might help change her perspective completely. It wasn't necessarily to get her a job but rather to show her what was possible. I wanted her to see a real-life example of someone just like her that was not only making it but killing it.
They met, had lunch and she had an epiphany. Her chosen career path didn't have to be a slog. In fact, it could be everything she had hoped it could be and then some. The person I connected her with shared some key things she had done to get noticed and hired by the right organizations in their industries. She offered to help her craft her resume and her approach to get herself positioned to make a career move. And she offered to open a few doors for her!
So what happened here? Two people (me and my friend) stepped up to take action for someone who really needed it. She wasn't expecting it necessarily but she needed a Ripple or two to happen for her. So we did what all Ripplers would do. We helped where we could.
That is what Ripplers do after all!
Fast forward to last Wednesday. One of the doors my friend had opened for this woman paid off. She landed a job with a firm that recognized her for the talented person she is. She advanced quickly and has been living in her dream job for the past two years. She's not only doing great at her job but has been mentoring some young women at the firm and creating her own Ripples for them.
She sounded excited and enthusiastic about where life was leading her right now. I was thrilled. But that wasn't all. She was calling to let me know she had just received a very big promotion and would be taking on a whole new role within the firm. A role where she could make a significant contribution and difference.
I ask you, what did one connection mean to her life and career? Everything! She's making 3X what she was making at her previous job. She is happier than she ever has been. She has surrounded herself with people who respect and admire her for what she brings to the table. AND....she's giving back by taking every opportunity she can to create her own Ripples.
So, what could one connection mean to your life or career right now?
If you've read this far, maybe you'll read just a bit further and take your next right action.
We are building something where these types of things will happen on an ongoing and continual basis. Our Ripple Membership is more than just a great 12-month experience, it's a complete paradigm shift in how you live, how you connect, and how you Ripple out in the world.
We are building a community of committed Ripplers focused on adding value and helping each other in every conceivable way. It will be a place where you can find great content, experience coaching and encouragement from leading experts, make life-altering connections, and build your tribe.
Oh, and you have exclusive access to me! Someone who is committed to making a difference in your life and career when and where I can. I won't say that's worth the price of admission but then again, I won't say it's not either.
We are building something amazing with the Ripple Membership and we want you to join us!